Commercial Space Technologies
Founded in 1983, Commercial Space Technologies (CST) is engaged in three main fields of space activity:
- Launch Brokerage – CST’s launch team has over 100 combined years of launch brokerage and mission management experience. It can support the key milestones of your mission with hands-on intervention, including construction and negotiation of Launch Service Agreements, Fit Checks, ICD meetings, logistics, mission specific procurements and launch campaigns. Alternatively, it also offers hands-off ad hoc guidance to those procuring launch for the first time through our ‘Launch Advice Hotline’ service.
- Consultancy – CST’s long-established highly experienced team and network of contacts from the UK, Asia, and Europe can insightfully report on a wide range of topics, from technical reviews and trajectory modelling to market analysis. Using experts in the field ultimately shortens research time, allowing for cost-effective and timely reporting. Its database of over 750 reports, has become a notable repository of detailed information on space technologies, markets, and more.
- Trade and Commerce – CST can uncover unique trading or supply chain opportunities, facilitating interactions remotely, or on site if needed, with an international team. Past successes include the management of satellite development projects (such as Kanopus) between Eastern and Western companies, or mission-critical procurements such as identifying, negotiating and managing the delivery of laser reflectors for Europe’s Galileo PNT constellation. CST’s support extends to both upstream and downstream space markets, the insurance and legal sectors, space agencies (such as NASA, ESA and UKSA), established or new industry entrants and start-ups.