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If you would like to join one of our committees, please email us.

Earth Observation (Applications and Missions) Committee

The UKSpace Earth Observation Committee (EOC) meets approximately 4 times a year and looks at matters relating to institutional and commercial EO, including the ESA, Eumetsat and European Union Copernicus EO programmes.  All aspects of EO are in scope, from new EO  satellite developments, R&D programmes, EO/climate services. Where appropriate, we liaise with the UK Space Agency, the Satellite Applications Catapult, the UK Met Office and BARSC.

  • Chair: Ben Stern (SSTL)
  • Vice Chair: Chandra Taposeea (CGI)
Position, Navigation and Timing Committee – Joint techUK/UKspace

The joint techUK / UKspace Position, Navigation and Timing Committee (PNTC) is a cross-industry group that focuses on the technology, regulatory and policy issues related to the current and future global PNT roadmap. The group also leads on assessing the development and investment opportunities within the infrastructure domain and the exploration of emerging applications and services enabled by location based technologies.

  • Chair: Martin Bransby (Telespazio UK)
  • Vice Chair: Dan Veal (Exotopic)
Satellite Telecommunications Committee – Joint techUK/UKspace

The joint techUK/UKspace Satellite Telecommunications Committee (STC) looks at matters related to satellite telecoms from research and development, including the European ARTES programme, to services and applications including the provision and marketing of satellite broadband and broadcasting infrastructure and services both in the UK and overseas.

The committee works together with the techUK Communications and Policy Council, especially on spectrum issues. techUK members may also like to consider joining the UK Spectrum Policy Forum.

  • Chair: Jon Wakeling (BT)
  • Vice Chair: Kumar Singaraja (Astroscale)
Security and Defence Committee – Joint UKspace/ADS

The joint UKspace/ADS Security and Defence Committee (SDC) maintains an overview of all defence and broader security interests affecting the sector. The committee has good working relations with MOD and its agencies, and frequently has guest speakers to keep members abreast of latest developments and thinking in the department.

  • Chair: Allen Antrobus (PA Consulting)
  • Vice Chair: Alfie Brand (Airbus)

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Space Exports Group – Joint UKspace/ADS

The value of the UK space economy, and its importance to the many sectors of the UK economy, has been recognised by the UK government. They have ambitions to make the UK a global player in the new space economy and have backed these ambitions with actions including:​

This joint group with ADS will ensure relevant links are maintained between UKspace, the ADS Space team, the DBT and the boards of each respective trade association to understand Government International priorities. The aims and objectives of the group is to identify accessible export markets and opportunities in the respective markets and to set up marketing activities in the form of UK International Space Showcases and UK national pavilions in relevant markets to prosecute opportunities identified

  • Co-Chair: Andy Grey (Exotopic)
  • Co-Chair: Nelly Philips (Airbus)
  • Admin: Pamela Vera (ADS)
Space Science and Exploration Committee

The UKspace Space Science and Exploration Committee (SSEC) addresses matters relating to national and international Space Science programmes, and Human and Robotics Exploration of the Solar System. The principal topics are the ESA mandatory Space Science Programme (which covers all science missions except Earth Observation) and the ESA optional Exploration Programmes (which include the exploration of the Moon and Mars, plus microgravity science and the International Space Station). The committee works with the UK Space Agency to provide an industrial perspective on ESA and UK Programmes and on national contributions to ESA, NASA, JAXA etc science missions. Meetings are normally attended by UK Space Agency programme managers, while the Chair and Vice-Chair normally represent industry on the UK Space Agency SEAC and SPAC consultation bodies.

  • Chair: Marie-Claire Perkinson (Airbus)
  • Vice Chair: TBC
UKspace Launch Committee (ULC)
  • Chair: Rob Adlard (Gavitlab Aerospace Services)
  • Vice Chair: Andy Bradford (UK Launch Services Ltd)
In Orbit Service and Manufacturing (IOSM)
  • Co-Chair: Nick Shave (Astroscale)
  • Co-Chair: Rory Holmes (ClearSpace)
SME Committee
  • Chair: Steve Greenland (Craft Prospect)
  • Vice Chair: Andrew Davies (Stellar Aerospace)

For further information about joining a UKspace committee, please email us.

Working Groups

Involving our Stakeholders as well as our members


Public Affairs Group (PAG)

The UKspace Public Affairs Group, supported by ADS through a collaboration agreement, is a focal point for the trade association to support engagement with UK government on overarching space policy issues. The Group does not deal with specific programme or thematic issues, since responsibility for this rests with the relevant sector committee.

The group works in support of, and in close coordination with, the UKspace Executive (including UKspace’s Head of Policy) and the ADS Public Affairs team. The objective is to secure an aligned and cross-party supported strategy for the future of the UK space industry, in the best interests of UKspace members.

  • Chair: Tom Williams (Airbus)
  • Vice Chairs: John Philliban (CGI)

Regulatory Advisory Group

Chair: Joanne Wheeler (Alden Legal)


In Orbit Service and Manufacturing (IOSM)

Co-Chair: Nick Shave (Astroscale)
Co-Chair: Richard Lowe (Satellite Applications Catapult)
Vice-Chair: Rory Holmes (ClearSpace)

Our upcoming committee events

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