19 July 2017 – Universities and Science Minister, Jo Johnson, yesterday spoke at the Instruct ERIC inauguration event in London. He highlighted the importance of collaboration with European and international partners on major science, research and technology initiatives, and that modern scientific research nearly always involves the sharing of expertise to tackle the hardest questions, making a link between big science and big opportunities for collaboration.
My Johnson also reaffirmed the parameters of the UK Government’s underwrite of Horizon 2020 funding, in which the Government has committed to underwrite the funding for all successful bids for competitive EU funding made by UK participants that are submitted before the UK leaves the EU.
If you would like to see more of the content of Jo Johnson’s speech, you can read a full transcript on the UK Government’s website. In addition, further guidance on the UK Government’s guarantee to underwrite Horizon 2020 funding can be found on the UK Research Office website.