AB5 Consulting
AB5 Consulting is an SME business based in London and France. Established in 2014 by Betty Bonnardel MBE (CEO), AB5 fosters innovation to empower other organisations to achieve their full potential.
Regulatory support, business development, market research and positioning, and project management are the core activities offered by AB5 to a range of stakeholders, including satellite operators and space organisations.
AB5 support focuses on the development and implementation of cost-effective and sustainable strategies, innovative business solutions, regulatory and policy advice, and representation at national and international agencies and organisations such as ITU, UN OOSA, ICAO, IMO, IMSO, EC, ESA, national regulators. Areas of expertise include licensing and filing applications, satellite system evaluation and review, the development of system requirements, preparation of bids and tenders, satellite applications to the transport and energy sectors, communication, and stakeholder management.
AB5 Consulting is B Corp certified and is a member of ACCESS.SPACE alliance, of which Betty Bonnardel is a co-founder.