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- November 17th, 2014 Posted in Uncategorised

UK Space Agency logo17 November 2014 – The UK Space Agency is pleased to announce the launch of the International Partnership Space Programme. Full details of the programme can be found on the Agency’s website along with application forms.

Applications and any communications relating to this programme to be sent to

This is the programme that was formerly known as the Global Collaborative Space Programme.

Note as this call is now live and it is a competitive call the UK Space Agency programme team are unable to enter into detailed discussions on individual project ideas. However if you have factual questions about the programme please address them to the above email address. Note we will endeavour to publish answers to factual questions on the website.

To Note: all proposals will be needed by 10 am on 15 December 2014. Funding is available for spend by 31 March 2015 and by 31 March 2016 and there will be no carryover of funding between these years.