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- December 20th, 2021 Posted in Article
  • RHEA Group has won a series of multi-million-euro contracts with the European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) to provide security and engineering services and support for European space programmes including Galileo, EGNOS, GovSatcom and Copernicus.
  • RHEA was selected for five ‘Lots’, as consortium leader

RHEA Group has been awarded five separate contracts by the European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) to provide both security services and various engineering and support services as part of EUSPA’s recent framework contract renewal programme.

RHEA is the European market leader in providing security services for the space sector, offering an unrivalled range of security solutions, helping space sector organizations to ensure their entire infrastructure, data and applications are resilient against escalating security threats. During these contracts with EUSPA, we will be providing our comprehensive global space engineering services and solutions that have been developed and proven through our work with leading European space organizations including, to name a few, the European Commission, European Space Agency and EUMETSAT.

EUSPA plays a major role in all the components of the EU Space Programme: Copernicus, Europe’s Earth observation programme; Galileo, the European Union’s global navigation satellite system (GNSS); EGNOS, the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service; and GOVSATCOM, the forthcoming governmental satellite communications programme. The expertise of RHEA and its partners in guaranteeing long-term, high performing service delivery in navigation, timing, Earth observation and telecommunications will also benefit future strategic EUSPA activities, including operation of the second generation of Galileo satellites (G2).

To support these contracts, embracing the vision and expectations of the European Commission, RHEA worked in close collaboration with European partners from various countries, both large organizations and SMEs, to create two specially tailored consortia, namely Alliance4Security and Alliance4Engineering.

These consortia bring together organizations with a world-leading combination of expertise in all EU space programmes, underpinned by a solid operational and engineering foundation in the areas of space and security.

Pascal Rogiest, Chief European Institutions Officer of RHEA Group, said, “RHEA has been working with the GSA, now EUSPA, since 2012, offering security, engineering and support expertise gained from our rich heritage in projects for national and international space agencies and commercial organizations. We are delighted to be awarded this opportunity to pursue this strategic collaboration, continuing our support to EUSPA by providing flexible, reliable and high-end support services for its very complex and evolving technical and operational missions.”

Nicolas Vincent, RHEA Group Regional Vice President and Account Manager for the EUSPA programme, added “Along with our carefully selected partners, we are now reinforcing the stability of the services we offer and will strengthen the pool of expertise available to EUSPA and the European Commission when facing new challenges in their established programmes such as Galileo, EGNOS, Copernicus and Space Situational Awareness systems. Our growing talent pool is also looking forward to supporting new programmes such as GovSatcom, which requires expertise in connectivity, Euro-QCI and quantum dimensions.”

EUSPA is the user-oriented operational agency of the EU space programme contributing to sustainable growth, security and safety of the European Union. RHEA will work alongside EUSPA to help support its well-established and developing programmes, as the uptake of its services increases across a wide range of market sectors.