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- June 21st, 2022 Posted in Thought Leadership

UKSA Space Domain Awareness StudyA new Space Domain Awareness (SDA) Study published today provides an overview of the UK’s current SDA capabilities and proposes an SDA roadmap with eight key recommendations.

The report has been produced by CGI, under the direction of UKspace and GNOSIS, after being commissioned by the UK Space Agency.

NSpOC Recommendations

  • Space Service Desk – A national space operations centre, bringing together the civil, military and commercial sectors would allow for the collection, consolidation, and exploitation of SST data to produce high quality analytical products for a range of users.
  • SDA Advisory Group – Establish an advisory group for SDA to advise and guide on developing UK SDA capability. The group should include members from across academia and industry, as well as civil and military space.
  • Collaboration Marketplace – A collaboration marketplace should be established to facilitate the matching of academic research with industrial demand, increasing visibility of activities and paving the way for more efficient sponsoring of research.

Sensor Recommendations

  • Data Accuracy Study – A study should be commissioned to assess the cost/benefit of increasing data accuracy to identify the point of diminishing returns. This study should conclude with a set of target figures for accuracy improvement over time to 2030 that can inform a plan for sensor enhancement.
  • R&D for Sensor Improvements – The UK should invest in the procurement of more sovereign sensors to improve its sensing capability and international credibility, as well as contribute to closing gaps in global capability.

R&D Recommendations

  • SDA Strategy – A cross-Government SDA strategy and vision is required to cohere academia, industry, civil and military entities, and provide clarity on intended aims for the UK in SDA.
  • National Space Sustainability Research Institute – this should be considered to simplify and coordinate funding for research and innovation activities.

Collaboration Recommendations

  • Maintaining International Collaboration – The UK should attempt to maintain the strongest possible international ties including with ESA, Five Eyes and CSpO partners, and other nations.

The study includes contributions by over 100 experts from across the UK space sector.

Download the Space Domain Awareness Study

Download the Space Domain Awareness Study summary