26 August 2014 – The Space for Smarter Government Programme through the UK Space Agency have released a call for proposals (Expressions of Interest) for projects that help the public sector take the first or next steps towards making satellite data products and services part of routine operational use – thereby saving monies, making efficiencies, innovating, reducing risk or making better policy decisions.
The call:
- Is open to any organisation inc public sector, academic and commercial companies
- Could be used to build a business case, host workshops, reduce risk, demonstrate ideas etc
- Could be used to help leverage monies from other sources or be part of a bigger programme
- Should cover use of one or more of Earth Observation, Satellite Communications, Position, Navigation and Timing by one or more public sector end users.
Expressions of interest on the forms on the website to be sent to ssgp@sa.catapult.org.uk by 19 September.
Full proposals will be invited by 1 November.
Funding must be used before March 2015.
Please read the full details and criteria on www.spaceforsmartergovernment.uk.