Satellite Finance Network (SFN)
The Satellite Finance Network (SFN) is a network of individuals and organisations from the finance, legal, insurance, government and space technology and applications communities, from start-ups and small companies to industry leaders, with a common interest in delivering satellite and space-enabled projects to domestic and export markets around the world. The SFN capitalises on the nexus of these organisations in the UK.
The SFN aims to support the growth of the UK space industry at all levels through:
1. Facilitating and attracting investment:
- Connecting industry players (particularly SMEs) with the financial community
2. Identifying regulatory barriers and other impediments to growth:
- Working to create a “space friendly” and competitive regulatory environment for the UK
- Offering solutions, where they exist, to industry players
- Encouraging and supporting exporters in areas of finance and regulation
3. Promoting business opportunities between companies, including companies outside the space sector