10 March 2015 – Two new funding opportunities are available through the National Space Technology Programme.
1. NSTP Call for Proposals for Flagship Projects
On behalf of the UK Space Agency, we are pleased to announce the NSTP-2 Space Technology Call for Technology Flag Ship projects. The total budget available for the Call will be up to £2,000K, with additional PV funds required from industrial bidders. The Call will be released on 26 March 2015, when full details will be available, with a closing date 10 weeks later. It is anticipated that proposal selection will be conducted during June/July 2015 with projects typically starting from September 2015. Proposals are sought for space technology research and development projects that align with the National Space Technology Strategy and with the related technology roadmaps. Further details about this call
2. Grants for Exploratory Ideas (GEI)
The 4th round for GEI proposals is now open, with a closing date of 2nd June 2015. We are looking for innovative ideas in space technology, which can receive a grant of up to £10K with a maximum study duration of 6 months. The 3rd Round for GEI Proposals has just closed – thanks to all those who submitted proposals, which will be evaluated during March. Full details about GEI