The Universe is astoundingly vast both in time and in space, and yet appears to be governed by simple, elegant, mathematical laws. Guided by these laws, world-renowned physicist Brian Greene will take us on a journey from our most refined understanding of the universe’s beginning to the closest science can take us to the very end. He will explore how life and mind emerged from the initial chaos, and how our minds, in coming to understand their own impermanence, seek in different ways to give meaning to experience: in narrative, myth, religion, creative expression, science, the quest for truth, and our longing for the timeless. He will show it is within these pursuits that we experience profound wonder and create great beauty, even as the universe and all it contains is destined for decay.
Through a series of nested stories that explain distinct but interwoven layers of reality – particles to planets, consciousness to creativity, matter to meaning – Greene will provide us with a clearer sense of how we came to be, a finer picture of where we are now, and a firmer grasp of where we are headed. With this grand tour of the Universe, beginning to end, we can all understand and appreciate our fleeting but utterly exquisite moment in the cosmos.
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