The 3rd PocketQube Workshop is a fantastic opportunity to explore PocketQube technology, as the two day workshop brings together world leading innovators from the Pico-Satellite developer community and will cover all areas for PocketQube developers. With 30 speakers and exhibitions, this event hosts an impressive lineup including speakers from Stara Space, Alba Orbital, Fossa Systems, SkyFox Labs and many more!
The workshop format is relaxed, focusing on content and collaboration, with coffee breaks and lunch provided for all attendees.
On 4 September, Alba Orbital will be hosting an Open House for workshop attendees from 1pm to 5pm. This is where you can receive a tour of Alba Orbital’s Headquarters, meet the team behind the production of Alba’s PocketQube satellites as well as the opportunity to see Alba’s PocketQubes in person. This will be followed by a drinks reception in the Glasgow City Chambers from 7pm to 9pm, to give all all delegates a warm welcome to the City of Glasgow!
The workshop opens on 5 September at 09:00am, with talks and exhibitions taking place throughout both days, with a drinks reception in the Glasgow University Union to wrap up the first day. The workshop closes on 6 September at 5pm.