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Help Govt reach businesses to urgently raise awareness of available support – The Government is looking for help reaching businesses across the UK to urgently raise awareness of the new coronavirus government Business Support campaign and the assistance available. A new toolkit includes content and messaging for you to share on your social media, websites, internal channels and newsletters to amplify campaign messages. The toolkit will help ensure all businesses have the best and most up to date information on the support that is available to them in a fast-moving situation.

New technology challenge to support people who are isolating – £500,000 of funding is available for technology companies who come up with digital support solutions for people who need to stay at home because of coronavirus. Funding of up to £25,000 per company is available. For more information on the programme and how to apply, visit

Ventilator supply specification – The government is looking for businesses who can support the supply of ventilators and ventilator components across the UK as part of our response to coronavirus (COVID-19). Specification of the minimally clinically acceptable ventilator is now available. If you think your business can help, please register your details.

Business Intelligence – The Government is closely monitoring developments in relation to potential economic impacts on the UK economy and individual businesses and supply chain. It welcomes information from businesses on: The impacts across supply, demand and labour markets; Actions being taken by firms to address these impacts; Any gaps in the Government response from your perspective. Please send your intelligence to (Please note that this inbox is only for receiving intelligence only and does not provide business advice.)​