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- June 15th, 2018 Posted in Uncategorised

Climate Data Store infographic15 June 2018 – Telespazio VEGA UK is proud to announce that the Climate Data Store (CDS) project is live! Telespazio is the prime company involved in the development of the CDS Infrastructure project for the past two years.

Funded by the European Commission as part of the Copernicus Programme, Telespazio VEGA and European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) have worked collaboratively to create a robust and reliable infrastructure that allows thousands of users to access to a unique catalogue of datasets and tools. This catalogue contains datasets provided in different formats (GRIB, NETCDF) and protocols (FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, OPeNDAP, MARS). The CDS system has been deployed using state-of-the-art technologies being deployed in a cloud computing environment.

The project has been running in full Agile Scrum development methodology with a Product Owner from ECMWF. Up to seven developers from Telespazio and one from the Finish Meteorological Institute worked on the project.